3D interacting genes
This SNP is linked to 4 genes via chromatin loops;
the corresponding score is 0.75.
Its PhyloP score is -0.581; the corresponding score is 0.13.
Total score
The total score of functionality for this SNP is 1.54.
Variant ID Chr Position MAF Ref/Alt EAS AMR AFR EUR SAS
None None None None None None None None None None





Histone Modification

Transcription Factor

None None None None None None
ClinVarID Condition Database Intepretation Sequence Ontology Gene Origin
None None None None None None None
Position Tissue Mapping ratio cCREs
None None None None
Position Tissue Mapping ratio cCREs
Gene P-value Effect size Tissue
None None None None
Gene P-value Effect size Tissue
Variant ID Population LD(r2) Loop type Loop start Loop end Distance Cell type Tissue
None None None None None None None None None
Variant ID Population LD(r2) Loop type Loop start Loop end Distance Cell type Tissue
Chromatin state Cell type Tissue Description
None None None None
Chromatin state Cell type Tissue Description
Transcription Factor Cell type Tissue DNA accessibility
None None None None
Transcription Factor Cell type Tissue DNA accessibility
Source Motif Strand Matched sequence Ref Alt Motif logo
None None None None None None None
Source Motif Strand Matched sequence Ref Alt Motif logo