All data from 3dsnp including high-order modified predictions can be accessed through FTP.
You could also click links in the following table.
PS: If you have any questions or would like to access additional data, please leave a message.
Data | Format | Link |
dbSNP154 | Vcf | example: chr1 |
HGSVC2 | Vcf | pangenie_merged_bi_nosnvs.integrated_callset.hg19 |
dbSNP153 | BigBed | |
Gene annotations | GFF | GCF_000001405.25_GRCh37.p13_genomic |
Gene annotations | RefSeq | ncbiRefSeq |
Assembly | Fasta | hg19.fa |
ENCODE | BigWig | example: Gm12878 H3k27ac |
RepeatMasker | BigBed | repeats |
Fixation index | Bed | example: chr1 AMR |
xp-NSL | Bed | example: chr1 AMR |
ClinVar | BigBed | clinvarCnv clinvarMain |
ClinGen | BigBed | clinGenHaplo clinGenTriplo clinGenGeneDisease |
scATAC-fetal | BigWig | example: thymus_vascular_endothelial_cells |
HiC loops | loop | raw: Ventricle_Right mod: Ventricle_Right target: chr17-42337882-DEL-540 Ventricle_Right |